Francesco C. Marmocchi: Atlante di geografia-storica universale. Raccolta di tavole cronologiche, geografiche, etnografiche, monumentali appositamente disegnate e colorite per servire alla più facile e completa intelligenza del Corso di geografia-storica antica, del Medioevo e moderna, Firenze: Vincenzo Battelli e compagni 1845
Signature: Zh 300-5450 raro IX
Figures: Frontispiece; pl. LI, pl. LVIII; pl. LXIII
According to Marmocchi, geography must form ‘the basis of any education and at the same time, the complement to any culture’ (cf. preface). The Atlas is the appendix of Marmocchi’s Corso di geografia-storica antica, which is divided into four parts: universal chronology, historic-geography, physiognomic drawings and traditions of populations, monument’s views.
The territories of interest here are included in the sections about Poland, ancient Sarmatia, and Russia, as well as ancient Scythia.
Odesa was already known to the ancients, as shown in the first map, table LI. The second map represents the territories under the reign of Mithridates VI Eupator (135–63 BC) in Greece and Armenia, as well as the districts bordering these territories.
The author affirms that he was able to offer a ‘sketch of the general geography of Europe’ (cf. p. 560) following the natural division of Europe: in the eastern part Slav-Greek (Greece, Macedonia, Thrace, Moesia, etc.), Hungary or Pannonia, Poland or Sarmatia, Russia, or Scythia. [VC]
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