Luigi Vittorio Bertarelli: Atlante internazionale del Touring Club Italiano

Luigi Vittorio Bertarelli: Atlante internazionale del Touring Club Italiano [1927], 2 vols., Milano: Touring Club Italiano 1956–1957, vol. 1 (1956)

Signature: Zh 300-5561 1/[1] gr

Figures: Frontispiece; Map (S.S.S.R.); Explanations to the map; Detail

The Touring Club Italiano (TCI) was founded in Milan in 1894 to foster the use of bicycles. Later, its primary interest shifted to the promotion of tourism. In 1917, Luigi Vittorio Bertarelli (1859–1926), one of the founding members of the TCI came up with the idea of creating a “Atlante universale, italiano nell’ideazione e nell’elaborazione ma adatto all’uso internazionale” (preface), and the first edition was published in 1927. The introduction depicts the success of the publication. Five new editions came out between 1927 and 1938, and in 1947, the editor launched a revised edition of Atlante to include the new political world order after the Second World War. In the 1954 edition of the folio – the product of this undertaking – the editors name their sources carefully. For the territory of Ukraine, they name several cartographical institutes in the Soviet Union and its republics. One of the declared goals of the editors was to achieve uniformity in representation. For that purpose, correct transliterations play an important role. The Cyrillic alphabet was transcribed according to the Croatian transliteration of the Serbian. Another unifying element lies in the denomination of countries, where preference was given to the geographical name over the diplomatic-official one, for example Ukraina instead of Ukrainskaja sovetskaja sotsialističeskaja Respublika. [SR]

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Bertarelli: Atlante 1956, Frontispiece
Bertarelli: Atlante 1956, Frontispiece
Bertarelli: Atlante 1956, "S.S.S.R. Europejskaja Čast" (map)
Bertarelli: Atlante 1956, "S.S.S.R. Europejskaja Čast" (map)
Bertarelli: Atlante 1956, "S.S.S.R. Europejskaja Čast" (info)
Bertarelli: Atlante 1956, "S.S.S.R. Europejskaja Čast" (info)
Bertarelli: Atlante 1956, "S.S.S.R. Europejskaja Čast" (detail)
Bertarelli: Atlante 1956, "S.S.S.R. Europejskaja Čast" (detail)